CSN - A guide for Swedes


This is a little guide first and foremost for Swedes who consider to study abroad and needs some financial aid... If you want to skip my rambling... just read on CSN's web page what needs to be done


There is this Swedish agency called CSN (which you might know about, swedes!) where you can take a loan if you're going to study abroad. Besides from the loan, you can get a grant, which for my full time studies reaches up to 700 SEK per week (approximately £70). 


1. Make sure your course allows you to get financial aid
To get a loan and the grant, you have to make sure that the language
course you're having is approved according to the terms published on
CSN's websitePlease read that if you want to know if you can get
financial aid for your study 
abroad-period. It's important :)

2. Registration & application
Register on CSN's webpage and apply for the financial aid. Make sure
you have got all the documents that CSN will need to see. If you're unsure
about which documents you have to send in, read here.


3. Wait
Wait for the final desicion from CSN. They might come back to you,
saying that there are still a few things to send in before they can
approve, but hopefully they do immediately.

4. Approval and insurance
When you're approved, you have to ensure CSN that you really are going
to carry through your studies. This insurance has to be done before the
course starts,but not to early either, but I'm not sure about exactly when.

5. Register bank account
To get the money to your bank account, you need to fill in you bank
and bank code at Swedbank's web page (here). Swedbank takes care of
all the disbursements (the payments). So even if for example Nordea is
your bank, swedbank.se is the web page you go when you register your
bank account.



This guide isn't complete, and there's a lot of information missing,
but I hope you got the hang of it :)