this has happened

I'm not sure what to do without my camera... I mean maybe it's just the battery that doesn't work and in that case it would be cheap to fix it.
Aaaaanyways. Hello guys! :)
I thought I'd let you see some of the pictures from these last weeks. Before that I'd love to tell you more about what's happened! If I can remember...
Since I got rid of my long lasting cold (1,5 months...!) I've started to go to the gym three times a week. However, this Wednesday was an exception since I hadn't slept enough. Instead we stayed outide school on Queen Square. But the thing was... everybody spoke Swiss German, which i cant understand of course. I dont even speak high german.... so I wasn't joined with them for the whole afternoon, as I also had some phone calls and other boring things to do...
But when I came back I drank beer with those three who were left; Meike and two guys I've never met before. Jonathan (France) and Nicholo (Switzerland). We had a great time, and afterwards I went to Cabot circus to buy some new clothes (without positive outcome).
There is some footage from that day on Meikes phone, I really hope that I get the opportunity to show it soon!
Here are a few pictures with descriptions...
The suspension bridge :) had a lovely view whilst having a barbeque! We were lucky to see some hot air balloons in the distance, making this picture quite "typically Bristol".
I didn't know there existed a tequila plant. Okay, maybe I appear stupid but I really didn't know.The photo is taken in one of the greenhouses in The Botanical Garden in Camebridge. It was here C.S. Lewis was inspired in his work on writing Narnia, the same goes  for Alice in Wonderland and even Tolkien's famous story The Lord of the Rings! Wow!?
Sitting in Queen Square at lunch, as soon as it's sunny :)
Meike and I went to a sushi bar last weekend
And after that we went to another place to have a drink. Although I drank coffee ;)
And here's the amazing/quirky/small video rental shop. And the pink helium cat balloon I bought!
And I sent a picture of me and Pi the teddybear in our whatsapp girls group

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